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tv   ABC World News Now  ABC  September 3, 2012 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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this morning on "world news now" -- campaign crunch me for this morning on "world news now" -- campaign crunch time for the democrats. just before their big national convention. >> with the polls neck in neck, president obama and joe biden hitting the states hard to have the voters re-elect them. it is labor day, monday, september 3rd. good morning, early on this labor day, 2012, everybody. i am rob nelson. >> is it more depressing working on a holiday or that it is september? >> a hard call. nothing like laboring on labor day. >> both of them, right? >> indeed. >> a labor of love for all of
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you. i'm paula faris. we'll take you live to charlotte for the preview of the democratic national convention. and president obama heading to the gulf region hit hard by isaac. you will see how hundreds of thousands of people are coping with floods several days in a row with no power. upwards of 400,000 in the state of louisiana without the juice. >> it is tough. august and september in new or ve,straysd september in new or without on top of the water and the s do and he ss a the stress. ooh, sweatii ou >> i don't eel worg ono co >> a.c. is good in here. accidents that seem to be airaccidents that seem to be shows. the crash that shook spectators in h stfiownd w thes ardoinout safety. how many times have we seen a scene like that over the last few years? >> all too often. and later this half-hour, "insomniac theater." we'll take you back to the great depression for the crime drama "lawless." you can see shia labeouf's film. >> you liked it. >> don't give it away. >> sorry. you went for free. >> shh. >> i knew you liked it. >> i had popcorn. >> what's not to like. before all that, the political focus swings to charlotte, north carolina, this week as democrats gather to
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nominate president obama for a second term. >> before they arrive at the convention, president obama and vice president biden are busy making their case on the campaign trail. karen travers joins us live from charlotte this morning. hi, karen. >> reporter: hi, paula. hi, rob. democrats have been pouring into charlotte over the weekend. the obama campaign hopes they're fired up and ready to go. last week, republicans had the spotlight. now, it's the democrats' turn. before president obama and vice president biden arrive here in charlotte, they're on a
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jam-packed battleground state swing. the president revved up a crowd of 13,000 supporters in colorado. one of his largest events yet. >> if you are willing to vote for me in november, we will win boulder and we will win colorado. we will win this election. >> reporter: in wisconsin, vice president biden slammed the republican ticket. >> what they espouse is a social policy right out of the '60s, a foreign policy with echoes of the cold war, and an economic policy that brought us the great recession. >> reporter: rivals storm the campaign trail, mitt romney had a quiet day in new hampshire. he attended mormon church services with his family. and the next few days he will be out of sight as he begins preparations for the debates. in charlotte, several hundred demonstrators took to the streets for a march against economic inequality.
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it drew far fewer people than the 10,000 expected by organizers. >> we are the 99%! >> reporter: first lady michelle obama arrives here in charlotte today. and last week she told david letterman she hopes americans tune in to the conventions because, rob and paula, she said that's when the campaign begins. >> though she admitted she didn't watch the rnc at all. >> true. >> she knows what they're going to say. >> karen, question for you. obama and biden really burning up the frequent flyer miles during the battleground states. what's on the agenda today? >> they really want to steal back the spotlight. biden in michigan today. a critical state for them. the president in ohio today. he is going there, a state they're paying a lot of attention to. both campaigns are really pouring a lot of resources in. but rob, you will like this one, he will have a little detour, heading down to louisiana later today. he is going to meet with officials there to survey the flood damage and get a briefing on how things are going.
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chance for him to look presidential, but rob, paula, remember, mitt romney did it last week. he beat him to it when he went down last friday. >> he did. got a jump on him, too. also, post-convention people like to talk about whether the candidates get a bounce from that or not. according to the latest polls, things are still neck in neck. not much of a bounce. doesn't help democrats get their turn days later. >> reporter: no, they stole the spotlight back. one poll had president obama up one point. really statistically insignificant. doesn't matter when it's that close. another poll had mitt romney going up two points after the convention. same poll today had him him tied, 45-45. the bounce, is basically gone. >> do they think having the dnc in north carolina will benefit their strategy if they had the dnc in 2008 in colorado. north carolina won by 14,000 votes in '08. >> right, very tight. they had the convention in colorado in 2008. they had a lot of momentum heading in there. they saw it as a purple state they could turn blue. north carolina was a purplish
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state that turned blue in 2008, but it's gone back to the red. the obama campaign doesn't feel as good about north carolina or colorado as they did four years ago. two very different states. rob, paula, a lot of buzz about whether or not they can fill that very large stadium behind us, all the way in the distance. carolina panthers stadium seats 75,000 people. that its a lot to fill. hoping to get activists energized get them thursday. bring out james taylor, all sorts of musical acts. but it is going to be raining. so that may put a damper on all the festivities. hoping for a big crowd. >> loyalists will have their umbrellas. >> ponchos. >> 75,000. tall order the see what happens on the big event thursday night. karen travers reporting live from charlotte, north carolina, tar heel state. thank you. stay with abc news as we cover the dnc. our take on charlotte on
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"america this morning" and "gma" and diane sawyer and george stephanopoulos will anchor our live coverage from charlotte starting tomorrow night at 10:00 eastern time. tune in. president obama heads to louisiana later today to see the damage from hurricane isaac firsthand. yesterday, homeland security chief janet napolitano told flood survivors fema would be there to help them. more than 200,000 homes and businesses have no power in louisiana six days after hurricane isaac ravaged the state. republican presidential candidate mitt romney visited the region last friday as karen just mentioned. thousands of people are still out of their homes staying in shelters or with relatives and friend. even those that can go back to their homes are faced with terrible conditions. with more, here's abc's ryan owens. >> reporter: the thousands who fled their homes north of new orleans this weekend -- >> i'm going home.
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>> immediate and mandatory evacuation. >> reporter: got to come home. they live near the canal lock in st. tammany parish that authorities thought was about to fail. look how isaac's water eroded the earth around it. saturday crews opened the lock to relieve the pressure and now bleach the danger has passed. >> the current situation is that everything is stable. integrity of the structure is fine. >> reporter: here is what is not fine. the temperature, heat index in new orleans was 105. with a quarter of million people here without power, without air conditioning, the misery index is higher than that. >> everybody has been hanging out on their front porches. pretty much the only place you can get a breeze. and not -- you know, be sweltering in your own house. so -- it's been sort of miserable. but we are hoping that around the corner they will get the power on by today. >> reporter: most of the area's rivers are now receding. the exception is the pearl river.
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authorities warn more flooding is possible. you are looking at some of the homes that are still very much in the danger zone. we took a boat ride on the swollen pearl river which is not expected to crest until some point today at five feet above flood stage. until that happens, no one here until that happens no one here is in the clear. ryan owens, abc news, on the pearl river. >> thank you, ryan. so worth pointing out. this was just a category 1. basically category 1. strong tropical storm. if you hear about a two, three, four -- god forbid a five -- you can imagine the situation. what it could be wherever that storm hits. this was not a strong storm. not a major hurricane. but look at what it did. >> yet, isaac created at least four tornadoes on record, a couple in illinois and two also in missouri. not life threatening. goes to show you the magnitude what category 1 can produce. >> that size moving that slowly. as the remnants of isaac moved into the midwest, the rain was too little too, late for many bone dry crops including
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popcorn. the drought is driving up popcorn prices. americans may soon have to pay more for the snack at the grocery store. but the already astronomical popcorn prices at movie theater which i experienced over the weekend not expected to go up any more. you already pay $25 a bag. >> take note how much a bag costs in new york. >> $6. >> that was all? >> we got a medium. >> oh. >> watching your weight, your girlish figure. >> we polished it off. >> i know that. >> went back to rebutter a couple times. >> butter is so good. that's my problem with the self serve, you can't do multilayered buttering system. put popcorn. butter on top. >> ask them to fill it up halfway. then you take it back.
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after you filled up. >> wow you are serious. >> now to a category of vanity you don't see very often. some guys who really love their facial hair competed for best beard and mustache in lansing, michigan. they were judged on fierceness which is intentionally vague, to spark creativity. >> judges were also looking for how well the hair fit the personality. the event was a fundraiser for local charities. one participant said that gave his mother a reason not to hate his beard. they also invited women, of course, with fake moustaches and beards. >> thank goodness it was fake. there those who love this stuff, third annual national usa beard and mustaches championships november 11 in vegas, and the world in germany in 2013. the competition just getting started for all you hairy beasts out there. >> wax them up. >> indeed. coming up next, putting safety first at air shows. the rules now set up to protect you. and later, bitterness involving seal and soon to be ex-wife heidi klum. going to hear some pretty nasty comments up next on "world news now." ♪ get a little crazy ♪ though i never, ever survive unless ♪ ♪ we are a little crazy >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by lysol power and free. ♪ though i never, ever survive
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unless ♪ ♪ we are a little crazy >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by lysol power and free. you by lysol power and free. about the ones we love. rom worrying new lysol power & free has more cleaning power than bleach. how? the secret is the hydrogen peroxide formula. it attacks tough stains and kills 99.9% of germs. new lysol power & free. powerful cleaning that's family friendly. another step forward in our mission for health. have given way to sleeping. where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep. and lunesta can help you get there, like it has for so many people before. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities
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while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions, such as tongue or throat swelling, occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. then find out how to get lunesta for as low as $15 at there's a land of restful sleep. we can help you go there on the wings of lunesta.
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welcome back, everybody. >> well, it was the very thing that no one wanted to see. a jet bursting into flames in the middle of an air show. >> the accident in iowa prompted new calls for new precautions. abc's clayton sandel has more. >> reporter: it was a spectacular trouble-free flight until this. >> it just crashed. >> oh! >> reporter: flying in tight formation at an air show in davenport, iowa, this soviet era jet banks towards the ground never recovering. frisco, texas, was killed. >> nose down and burst into flames. >> reporter: since 1988 air show accidents in north america have killed more than 100 pilots and performers. for the 1,200 people who enjoy them every year, air shows are almost always safe. here in colorado a crash in the '50s led to new rules. planes must now stay 500 to 1,500 feet away from crowds and
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avoid flying towards people. >> there hasn't been a spectator fatality since 1952 that's because of the strict rules. >> reporter: there are new rules when it comes to the world of air races after this crash last september. a p-51 mustang slams into the crowd in reno, nevada. 11 people were killed. federal investigators found the plane had performance modifications that were undocumented and untested. stricter rules, more training for pilots, and changes to the race course to better avoid spectator. >> you will see people flying to the edge of the envelope and that means assumed risk for any audience member. >> reporter: for many a thrill worth taking. clayton sandel, denver. >> scary footage.
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yeah. >> the pilot was 59. he left a lucrative job at a tech firm to really invest in restoring soviet fighter jets and fly in exhibitions across the country. >> took an early retirement to do this. his life ended in this piece. a lesson to be learned for air shows, we have seen that way too often. we will be right back with more after this. >> announcer: abc's "world news now" will continue after this from our abc stations.@ññ!ús
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welcome back, everybody. fighting words from seal about his soon to be ex-wife, heidi klum. seal made a comment to tmz that appeared to suggest she was a little unfaithful. >> you know that song, "never going to survive unless we go a little crazy" -- he later backed off the statement saying he was not implying that at all. right. as abc's tanya rivera reports,
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listen and judge for yourself. >> reporter: cornered by paparazzi and ask the about his separation from heidi klum, seal made these comments about his wife -- >> listen, that happens when two people separate. they move on. and not all of a sudden to become a nun. >> reporter: then he dropped the shocking bomb. >> wish that heidi showed a little more class and waited until we separate ed before deciding to fornicate with the help. >> reporter: excuse me, listen again. >> i wish that heidi showed a little more class and waited until we separated first before deciding to fornicate with the help. >> reporter: the first time they have opened up about the divorce and will change the tone of their amicable split. klum and her bodyguard were spotted in new york and on the beach with her kids. tmz reports klum told friends since the split the two have become close. but through a rep, klum denies seal's charge saying it is sad that seal has to resort to false accusations. >> i wish heidi would have shown a little bit more class.
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>> reporter: the "project runway" host and british singer share four children and once seemed a match made in hollywood heaven. ♪ you are my girl >> reporter: until they announced their separation in january, ending seven years of marriage. >> you want to play this low key. you want to play it behind closed doors. you want to have respect for your ex and your children. and it's absolutely shocking that he would stand in front of the camera and make this snarky comment about his soon to be ex-wife. >> i guess you all have the answer you have been looking for the past seven months. tanya rivera, abc news, new york. >> not a lot of room for interpretation. said what he said. >> his rep said the was misconstrued. you think it was misconstrued? >> pretty clear.
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hate for you to find out this way, buddy, it's not the bodyguard, man. sorry. not the bodyguard. into news anchors. >> you and ron burgundy. >> breaking news. >> wake up. g news. and ron burgundy. >> breaking news. like it has for so many people before. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions, such as tongue or throat swelling, occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. then find out how to get lunesta for as low as $15 at there's a land of restful sleep.
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we can help you go there on the wings of lunesta. used dishcloths. they can have a history that they drag around with them. try bounty extra soft. in this lab demo, one sheet of bounty extra soft leaves this surface 3 times cleaner than a dishcloth. the cleaner way to clean. bounty extra soft. like a squirrel stashes nuts, you may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec® liquid gels. nothing starts working faster than zyrtec® at relieving your allergy symptoms for 24 hours. zyrtec®. love the air. head north, to someplace pristine like acadia national park. there is nothing like the parks this time of year. the falling leaves, the crisp air, the perfect inspiration for air wick's fall collection. yeah, when i smell all those things, i know fall is in the air. the fall collection
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brought to you by air wick and the national park foundation. something in the air wick. [ female announcer ] sometimes a good deal isn't such a good deal. but bounty gives you value you can see. in this lab demo, one sheet of bounty leaves this surface cleaner than two sheets of the leading ordinary brand. bounty. the clean picker upper. i only use french's french fried onions on my crunchy onion chicken because it's america's number one brand. just minutes to make, then bake!
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>> hey, insomniacs you are watching "world news now." >> sleep is overrated. ♪ welcome back, everybody. time now for "insomniac theater." and this morning, paula is taking a look at a story of gangsters during prohibition. what an awful time that must have been. the movie is called "lawless." >> can i just say that i loved it? like you said, a gangster movie, prohibition and the wettest county in the word, franklin county, virginia. so the bonderant brothers, the characters, and you see jessica
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chastain from "the help," the romantic interest. a corrupt chicago cop, they want cut of the money these guys are getting from prohibition. the scene you are about to see, between the sheriff and the chicago special agent, guy pierce, who you literally want to murder. i mean he is such a good antagonist. they're discussing the bonderant boys who aren't bowing to their pressure. >> you are a side show unto yourselves. sheriff, do you have any idea what a thompson submachine gun does to a mortal? >> this ain't chicago. you can't just shoot him. do that around here and people will string us up from a tree. >> do i look stupid to you? >> a lot of faces you will recognize. got to warn you, it is highly
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graphic. highly graphic. >> i didn't think you liked violence. but you liked this one. >> i liked it. when i say violent, i am talking brass knuckles, slitting of the throat, tarred and feathered. a little sexually graphic, wouldn't say sexually graphic. a little bit of language. there was the romantic interest and violence. it was about prohibition. i think shia labeouf's best performance yet. >> how many stars? >> five whiskey bottles. >> five. >> five whiskey bottles. >> your first perfect review there. >> i was in a good mood. come on. i fed myself. popcorn. i had some dot, i had my man. i had a soda. my belly was full. >> you were good. >> really good. >> life is really good for paula faris on the weekend. more from abc next. weekend. more from abc next.
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this morning on "world news now" -- the political fight for four more years. >> democrats begin gathering in charlotte to nominate president obama for a second term. it's monday, september 3rd. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." good morning, i'm paula faris. happy labor day. hope you have a day full of barbecues and beer. >> cookouts. >> relaxation. >> by the pool. >> watching on tivo. dvr. >> very high ratings for this show. on labor day. >> mom and dad. hi, mom. >> good morning, everybody. happy labor day again. i'm rob nelson. well, the
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candidates and the convention, big names who will take the stage coming up this week. also ahead this morning, president obama heads to louisiana where the storm of course by now is finally passed. but the flooding and misery from isaac continues to linger there. look at that mess. days and days if not months of recovery in hard-hit areas there. then the dangers and millions -- in millions of back yards this holiday weekend. a warning about unsafe decks that could collapse. the action you might need to take right now. >> scary footage there. people, just chilling on their deck. they've don't think, is the wood in good shape, are the nails tight, not until something like that happens do you get the wake-up call. >> might want to get it inspected. startling numbers of people are living with an unsafe deck in their backyard. >> stay tuned. later, a casting couch. this story is crazy. new reports say that before tom cruise married katie holmes, top
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scientology officials held auditions -- you heard right, auditions to find him a wife. get inside information in "the skinny." i don't think, that will not be good p.r. for his church if that is all true. >> like their version of "the bachelorette" not televised. >> real life "bachelorette." strange. this labor day holiday finds democrats arriving in charlotte for the national convention. >> 6,000 delegates making their way there with little time to explore the host city before buckling down for the job at hand. that of course is re-nominating president obama and vice president joe biden. >> delegates aren't the only ones coming to charlotte. protestors are converging in the city, as well. police say 800 took part in what they called the march on wall street south. with only one arrest. march organizers predicted thousands of people would show up, just 800 did. for president obama, the theme of hope and change that dominated the democratic convention four years ago has given way to a new theme, stay the course. we begin with cecilia vega in charlotte where the incumbent
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will have the next few days to make his case. ♪ >> reporter: the finishing touches are under way. some of the biggest names in politics are about to be center stage. can democrats in charlotte outshine republicans in tampa? >> i love you women! >> let us begin that future for america tonight! >> reporter: to that odd conversation with the empty chair. >> i am not going to shut up. it's my turn. [ laughter ] >> reporter: now it's time for the democrats it roll out their a-listers. hollywood's biggest will play a role, eva longoria, james taylor, foo fighters, john legend and the black eyed peas. then come the big guns. >> didn't watch it, but -- but i think it's important for everyone to watch these conventions. because this is technically where the campaign begins. >> reporter: after telling david letterman last week she didn't watch the republicans, the first lady kicks off the democratic lineup on tuesday. >> we need to keep going with
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his plan. >> reporter: former president bill clinton takes to the stage on wednesday. followed the next night by the headliner, president obama. >> america, we cannot turn back. >> reporter: and that, of course, comes with plenty of streamers. the event where president obama is speaking is an outdoor stadium. thousands of people are expected to pack it in on thursday night. convention organizers called it a rain-or-shine event. at this point forecast looks like it could be a wet one. cecilia vega, abc news, charlotte. >> mother nature has not been kind this political season. isaac during the republicans. rain, outdoor stadium. >> no retractable roof. umbrellas prohibited. >> the isaac distraction last week, for republicans. this week, distractions, as well. number one, they're saying kids are going back to school, labor day over with. parents are trying to get their kids back on schedule. little distracted. nfl season kicks off on
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wednesday night. three, later in the week, thursday, mtv, big award show. they wonder if the younger folks that the president needs like he had four years ago will be tuned in to the pop culture stuff on mtv and not convention. never a good time to schedule these things. advantage is they're going second a good chance to play defense and rebut what we heard last week. still, never a good time for these things. >> never. >> we're all split attention these days. >> the political world and public are buzzing abut last week's rnc in tampa. >> one key moment in tampa is fresh in a lot of minds. clint eastwood talking to that empty chair for 12 minutes. >> what's up? hey? >> rick klein looks at the impact of all that political stagecraft. >> reporter: president obama and the democrats get to spend the week filling the chair presented by clint eastwood on stage last week.
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national security and foreign policy almost nonexistent from the rhetoric voiced by republicans in tampa. the president has natural advantage there, only one commander-in-chief at a time. >> to me the empty chair which matters, neither side talked to the empty chair of the man or woman that didn't come home from iraq, people are sitting around the table because their wife, daughter is gone. the woman who has to work two shifts. isn't able to have flex time. empty chair of a grandfather with alzheimer's that can't be there because they're in a home because the family can't manage them. >> reporter: the white house on a lighter note released recipe for the secret brew of the white house. that's right, a beer recipe. an effort to reach white working class voters. the secret to the election, perhaps, president obama trying to sent message he is ready to occupy the seat next to you even if it is a bar stool. rick klein, abc news, charlotte. >> cheers. >> good stuff. >> bottoms up. >> thank you, mr. president. speaking of the president
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and more serious news, the president will travel to louisiana today to see firsthand the aftermath of hurricane isaac. hundred of thousands of homes and businesses still have no power this morning nearly a week after the storm hit. many people are still being kept from their homes because of all of the widespread flooding in parts of the state. those who have been able to go home still face misery once they get there. >> everybody has been hanging out on their front porches. pretty much the only place we can get a breeze. and not -- you know, be sweltering in your own house. so -- it's been sort of miserable. we are hoping that around the corner they will get the power on by today. >> there is new worry about west pearl river in mississippi. it could top its banks and threaten 5,000 homes in that area. amazing a week later still talking about watching rivers cresting and all that. just the widespread impact off a minor hurricane. >> 400,000 still without power, of any kind. can you imagine the types of weather that they're dealing with now, and the flooding and mugginess and water and the
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heat, and no air conditioning? got to be tough. >> heat above 100 degrees in parts of louisiana. no a.c. that's why folks are going to shelters, relatives, elsewhere. it's too much. >> in new orleans they had the decadence festival that went off without a hitch. they also had a game at the superdome, tulane/rutgers. >> getting heated up for the football season. saints are ready. >> when they come marching in. >> black and gold. 'tis the season. >> no bounty this year. >> are you a bears girl? >> going to root for bears and bengals this year. >> saints and eagles. that's me. well, oil production is slowly resuming after hurricane isaac shut down rigs in the gulf. at the height of the storm nearly 500 oil rigs were evacuated. 18 are still out of operation this morning. analysts say that as workers return it could be several days before production is back to normal. that gulf drilling disruption is one reason that the average price of a gallon of gas is now $3.80. that is 13 cents higher than a year ago. and highest ever recorded during
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labor day weekend. prices expected to drop later this week. always anticipating something, never know what it is going to be. >> we'll be there for every penny. a forest fire burning out of control in the southern california mountains forced thousands of visitors to evacuate, spoiling their holiday weekend. the fire erupted yesterday in the angeles national forest and quickly spread to 3,000 acres near the popular recreational area. fire is billowing so much smoke, in fact, it can be seen from downtown l.a. >> wow. here is your labor day forecast. hope a good one where you are. thunderstorms from albuquerque, phoenix, denver. hail, gusty winds in the dakotas. heavy rain and flooding from the ohio and tennessee valleys to the mid-atlantic and carolinas and atlanta. 80s in the midwest. 80s from miami up to baltimore. triple digits in dallas and phoenix. and some 70s in the pacific northwest. well, one polish city really
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went to the dogs this weekend. the 18th annual sausage dog parade featured a marching band and krakow's favorite pooch, the daschund. the hot dog -- >> wasn't a hot dog. couldn't get bratwurst. just dogs? >> the highlight a costume contest featuring a dog dressed as a goldfish, an astronaut, a dog as a hot dog in a bun with ketchup and relish, down on the farm dog, jeans and bandanna. the prize as a sausage dog complete with a sombrero. is that politically correct? we'll show it to you. >> exactly. this dates back to 1973. been doing this a while. my girlfriend loves that little hot dog. every time she sees one on the street. loves it. >> i like hot dogs on the street, in the bun. >> from the cart. >> yeah, street meat as they call it. >> you into that, huh? coming up, what katy perry wants more than anything else. >> oh yeah.
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and the songwriter who launched careers, made movies, and had a generation humming along. stay tuned for a fond remembrance. ♪ forever forever you'll stay in my heart and i will love you ♪ >> announcer: "world news now" brought to you by pantene moisture renewal. ♪ forever and ever we never will part ♪ ♪ oh how i'll love you >> announcer: "world news now" brought to you by pantene moisture renewal. ♪ ...and then there's the pillow. ♪ i dare you to dare me so they dared me to try this pantene. [ female announcer ] pantene anti-breakage the keratin protection system makes hair stronger reducing breakage up to 97%. ♪ think only salon brands can do that? i dare to compare... will you? [ female announcer ] anti-breakage from pantene. hair so healthy it shines.
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so you can get unbelievable dust pickup in less time without missing a thing. i love that book. can you believe the twin did it? ♪ swiffer. great clean in less time. or your money back. have given way to sleeping. where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep. and lunesta can help you get there, like it has for so many people before. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion.
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in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions, such as tongue or throat swelling, occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. then find out how to get lunesta for as low as $15 at there's a land of restful sleep. we can help you go there on the wings of lunesta. since today is unofficially the last day of summer, lots of people will probably spend it since today is unofficially the last day of summer, lots of people will probably spend it outdoors. hanging out on their decks. tens of millions of decks are more than 20 years old and could be in danger of collapsing. abc has more. >> reporter: it was prom night in indiana. then suddenly chaos. watch again -- the deck goes down in two seconds.
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the teens suffered bumps and bruises, but this virginia woman broke her leg after her deck collapsed and others have been killed. what should you watch out for? first experts say look for cracked and rotted wood. the people at this birthday party in redmond, washington, had no idea their deck was rotting until it fell out from under them banging them up. another warning sign, weak connections like nails. experts say make sure the deck is bolted instead straight through to the skeleton of the house. >> there was a loud crack, but nothing before that. like, we didn't hear creaking. >> reporter: two people in critical condition after this dramatic deck collapse in golden, colorado. third, even if the deck is attached properly make sure the
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bolts aren't corroding. what happens when people ignore the warning signs? abc news had this built with the number one flaw, weak connections so we could demolish it and show you. one, two, three. it's textbook. like so many, our deck collapses against the building adding a crushing hazard to the danger. that's why experts say if your deck is more than 15 years old get it inspected immediately. abc news, washington. >> the last 12 years since 2000, 30 people have died in collapses. >> better safe than sorry. get it inspected if there is any doubt at all. all right. we'll lighten the mood when we come back. >> yeah, coming up eva longoria's high profile romance. tom cruise's auditioning process and this was no movie role we are talking about. >> it wasn't. >> coming up next in "the skinny." >> announcer: abc's "world news now" will continue after this from our abc stations. ill co
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♪ skinny ♪ so skinny welcome back, everybody. very interesting possible new
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couple out there, eva longoria "desperate housewives" fame and broke up with tony parker. could be with another athlete. getting very close. what's the name for women who date athletes? >> we called them jock sniffers. >> i love that. do with that what you will on this holiday. i love that. here we go. eva could be hooking up with jets' quarterback mark sanchez. spotted a few places around new york. been to the caribbean. on vacation. spotted in a restaurant in new york. she had a blonde wig to throw off the paparazzi. they're getting close. dated tony parker. the nba star. also broke up with a spanish singer, eduardo cruz. she is 37 years old. >> i am wondering, how old is he? >> 25 years old. got a little cougar -- meow. got a little cougar in her. >> cougar.
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>> yes, indeed. a beautiful woman. i can not fault mr. sanchez. maybe emma -- maybe things are getting hot and heavy. >> ladies, write me facebook or twitter, tell me what it is, about john mayer. john mayer and katy perry dating for two months. he allegedly broke up with her by e-mail. now according to "the new york daily news," she has been drunk dialing, drunk texting him late at night asking him to take her back. a source says she's been depressed. she liked him and thought it would be serious. did not she know what hand with jennifer aniston and taylor swift -- he showed up at a party, a friend said she is here, and he skipped tout avoid her. >> write me and tell me what it is about john mayer that he hooks gorgeous, a-list women and -- >> he is a musical crooner and hard to get. every woman wants to feel like they could be the one dating him.
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>> he is the bad boy singer. >> here we go. he looks weird when he sings. i can't get over that. his face gets all. >> he gets into it. >> he's soulful. >> that's not getting into it. he looks unattractive when he sings. great, great music. >> okay. >> john. send her an e-mail. tom cruise. the article in "vanity fair," detailed the process in 2004. how they picked his next girlfriend. top secret project within the church. they had an elaborate auditioning process for actresses, members of scientology. thought they were auditioning for a new film. they were auditioning to be his girlfriend here. scientology folks are denying the story, and tom cruise will not comment. and this led to the match up with an actress, gorgeous woman. look at her. >> gorgeous. >> and in fact this thing got so intricate, they
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had a file on her boyfriend at the time. they dug up dirt on him to get her to break up with the boyfriend. they dated from november, 2004, to december, 2005. more insight into the church. interesting world. and lunesta can help you get there, like it has for so many people before. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions, such as tongue or throat swelling, occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. then find out how to get lunesta for as low as $15 at there's a land of restful sleep.
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we can help you go there on the wings of lunesta. with resolve deep clean powder. the moist powder removes three times more dirt than vacuuming alone while neutralizing odors for a clean you can see, smell and really enjoy. don't just vacuum clean. resolve clean.
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[ female announcer ] take the pantene dare to compare challenge. get healthier, stronger hair in less than 7 days guaranteed. then tell us your results on facebook. pantene healthier hair in less than 7 days.
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♪ at work i just take time ♪ and all through the coffee break time ♪ >> i say a little prayer for you. i'll stop singing. >> you can sing, but you don't do much on the show. >> i'm supposed to sing with richard ma rx in november, we'll tell you that story later. that was one of many songs written by hal david. one half of the iconic writing team. >> david collaborated with burt bacharach died of a stroke over the weekend. at the age of 91. with a look at his legacy, lyrics as well as his life, here is david muir. >> reporter: one half of a writing duo that would create
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the sound track for so many american lives. hal david first teamed up with burt bacharach in the 1960s. who could forget this one? ♪ rain drops keep falling on my head just like the guy ♪ >> reporter: they would win oscars for the rain drops. hal david lived in new york. bacarach in l.a. they would often collaborate by telephone. ♪ i'm combing my hair now ♪ wondering what dress to wear now ♪ ♪ i say a little prayer for you ♪ >> reporter: and in college, david once said songs should be like a little film, three or four minutes long and say the as simply as possible. >> the idea of reaching out with warmth and love is so simple, but it is not so simple. people don't do it. >> reporter: hal david would help make dionne warwick a star, there were so man awards over the years. she helped honor him in 2004. ♪ what the world needs now is love sweet love ♪ ♪ it's the only thing that there's just too little of ♪
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>> reporter: when there was heartbreak -- ♪ walk on by >> reporter: warwick's video in the '60s. david said when he wrote the wrong and it went nowhere he would stick it in the drawer and leave it there for months before trying it again. something david told us a few years ago perhaps just as poignant today. >> i think my true politics are in "what the world needs now is love." and i think, you know, that's where the politics of the nation. ♪ that's there's for everyone >> would be a happier place right now. >> reporter: david muir, abc news, new york. >> amazing how many of his hits we recognize. people sing along for years to come. amazing legacy. >> for any of you 30-year-olds feeling a liltds old, his best work came into his 40s. the best is yet to come. >> a late bloo
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